October 7, 2016 https://gruncleodd.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/DSCN0187-190x143.jpg

Florence Foster Jenkins comes to Sarajevo. And now the puzzle of today’s title(s) becomes even clearer. When we arrived at each hotel on our stay, Damir would point out a bulletin board where he’d post the schedule for the next …

October 7, 2016 https://gruncleodd.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/DSCN0210-190x143.jpg

A home cooked dinner. Different tour agencies offer different experiences to make their tours more enticing than similar ones offered by their competitors. As I booked my first trip with Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) they enticed me with the opportunity …

October 7, 2016 https://gruncleodd.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/DSCN0207-190x106.jpg

Alison, Diane, Pat, and I finished our lunch and returned to the hotel for a brief rest before our group was to gather in the lobby. We were happy to find Geanie and Judy safe and sound. I’d like to …